
Earn money buy joining our affiliate program

By sharing the Carb-Loaded documentary with your audience, our simple and quick to set up affiliate program generates you financial rewards.

By signing up as an affiliate, you earn 10% commission for every digital sale of the film. The process is simple, quick and takes minutes to set up. Not only does this share a valuable message with your audience, you get financially rewarded for sharing our message with a wider audience.

Whether you are a company, organization, blogger, community organizer, or simply a concerned individual, you can share in the financial success of this film, while making a difference at the same time. Becoming an affiliate is simple, quick and free. Simply follow the steps below to register and start earning commissions straight away.

1) Sign up with our affiliate provider via theYEKRA Affiliate Connect Program for free.

2) Embed one of YEKRA’S Carb-Loaded widgets or URL links into your website, social media, e-mails or blogs.

3) Watch your PayPal balance grow! The YEKRA Affiliate Connect Program will pay commission directly into your PayPal account monthly!

—->Enroll now!<—-


Contact the YEKRA support team at affiliatesupport@yekra.com.