You wouldn’t know a FAT person if you saw them

We believe what we see. In fact, we can make judgements so fast that we might not even be aware that we have made them. In his book, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcom Gladwell illustrated repeatedly that we are incredibly fast at making decisions about what we see. He cited the example of… [Continue Reading]

Here’s Why Big Food Corporations Are NOT Evil

If you spend any time thinking about the food infrastructure in the United States (and the world) you will get both discouraged and angry. Just a quick glance at our food system reveals a massive failure. I am talking about death and destruction on a globally epic scale. Frankenstein’s monster is loose in the countryside.… [Continue Reading]

Video Update #24 – Interview w/ Stephan Guyenet

While we were at AHS13 in Atlanta we interviewed Dr. Stephan Guyenet. Here is a little from our conversation. For more information about Stephan Guyenet go to

CarbLoaded — Video Update #23 — Interview w/ Mark Sisson

We met up with legendary fitness expert Mark Sisson while we were at AHS13 in Atlanta. Here is a an excerpt from our conversation about journey to health. For more information about Mark Sisson go to

CarbLoaded — Video Update #22 — Interview w/ Andreas Eenfeldt

We had been looking forward to sitting down w/ Andreas for quite some time. Here is an excerpt from our conversation. For more information about Andreas Eenfeldt go to

CarbLoaded — Video Update #21 — Interview w/ Adele Hite

We met Adele Hite while we were at AHS13 in Atlanta. Here is a an excerpt from our conversation about the genesis of many unhealthy foods. For more information about Adele Hite go to

CarbLoaded — Video Update #20 — Interview w/ Jimmy Moore

We attended the 2013 Ancestral Health Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. Here is the first installment from the interviews we conducted while there. Up first..Jimmy Moore the author of Cholesterol Clarity. For more information about Jimmy Moore go to

Counting the HOURS left

We are happy to announce that our KickStarter campaign is coming to a successful close in a matter of hours. As of the writing of this post we are 95% of the way to our goal and have over 700 backers! We are very excited to get to work on the completion of the film.… [Continue Reading]