CarbLoaded — Video Update #20 — Interview w/ Jimmy Moore

We attended the 2013 Ancestral Health Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. Here is the first installment from the interviews we conducted while there. Up first..Jimmy Moore the author of Cholesterol Clarity. For more information about Jimmy Moore go to

Counting the HOURS left

We are happy to announce that our KickStarter campaign is coming to a successful close in a matter of hours. As of the writing of this post we are 95% of the way to our goal and have over 700 backers! We are very excited to get to work on the completion of the film.… [Continue Reading]

Jonathan Bailor joins Carb-Loaded interviewees

Okay…we get it. Our funding is not locked in yet. But we are moving full steam ahead because we need to be ready to hit the ground running if/when we hit our KickStarter goal. With that in mind we are excited to announce Jonathan Bailor author of The Smarter Science of Slim has joined a… [Continue Reading]


We are in the last full week of the  KickStarter campaign. What a wild ride! It started off slow for the first two weeks, and then exploded this past week. The page views to our KickStarter page doubled in one day last week. The European audience has overwhelmingly expressed their desire for the film to be made.… [Continue Reading]

Decision time has arrived

We are half-way through our funding period, but only 25% of the way to our goal. Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources (mostly time) to run two businesses. This has been the best year on record for our day job at The Scene Lab. We can only afford to sideline that if it is clear… [Continue Reading]

1 year later and we didn’t even mean to!

Today is a pretty big day for us. We have been doing pre-production on Carb-Loaded since 2012. Oddly enough, I sent Eric an e-mail on July 8th, 2012. In it I was pitching to him the idea about a documentary covering carbs in the modern diet. 365 1/4 days later we launched our KickStarter campaign.… [Continue Reading]

CarbLoaded — Video Update #19 — Interview w/ Dr Ronald Tamler

We met with Dr. Ronald Tamler at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC. Here is an excerpt from our conversation.

CarbLoaded – Video Update #18 – Interview with Marlene Schwartz

We interviewed Dr.Marlene Schwartz from the Rudd Center, here is a tiny bit of our conversation. For more information about Marlene Schwartz go to