
Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 10.39.20 AMWe are in the last full week of the  KickStarter campaign. What a wild ride! It started off slow for the first two weeks, and then exploded this past week. The page views to our KickStarter page doubled in one day last week. The European audience has overwhelmingly expressed their desire for the film to be made.

As of this writing, we are #7 in “Popular Film Projects this Week” thats pretty great when you realize Spike Lee is #1 and Robert Redford is #17. So we are very hopeful.

Help us cross the finish line

In order for us to get this film made we need to hit our funding goal. We will only hit that goal if our supporters share the KickStarter project with their circle of friends.

So please:
Tell your friend that works in TV, radio, newspaper or other media outlets

That’s all for this week, so stay tuned!

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