Steve Jobs was vegan, on a high-fruit (fructose or fruit sugar) diet. He died of pancreatic cancer on 5th October 2011. Ashton Kutcher playing the Apple co-founder in the movie “Jobs”, went on a high-fruit diet, and ended up in hospital with inflamed pancreas.
Article in USA Today: Ashton Kutcher suffers health scare prepping for ‘Jobs’
People eating high amounts of sugar, drinking soft drinks or eating a lot of fruits might experience pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas). Chronic pancreatitis might lead to pancreatic cancer (Article)
“Most recently, a study reported that people who regularly drink soda may be more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. In that study, published in the February issue of Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, people who drank two or more sodas per week had an 87 percent increase in pancreatic cancer risk.”
Ilona Kasza is a Hungarian fashion designer living in Singapore. She is the creator of the BIG FAT BLOG where she writes about food and health topics.