Eating a “Normal” diet…

It saddens me how often I hear about diabetics that wish they could eat a “normal” diet. “Normal” compared to what? The Standard American Diet? A huge majority of Americans eat a diet that is completely abnormal and unhealthy. For many the longing for a normal diet, is in fact a longing for the diet… [Continue Reading]

Staggering Statistics Regarding Kids’ Food

A recent study out of PLoS One aimed to quantify the percentage of calories coming from various sources in kids’ diets.And while no doubt dietary recall sucks, the authors looked at calories from, “grocery stores, fast food restaurants, full-service restaurants, school cafeterias, and “other”. The “other” category included foods or beverages from someone else or as a… [Continue Reading]

Here are a few low carb snack ideas.

Here are a few ideas on things you can snack on when you want to eat a lower carb diet. These are just a handful of ideas (and the ones I happened to have pictures of on my phone). Scroll to the bottom of the page in the link below.

Save to the GRAVE

We have all heard it. We might have even thought or said it ourselves. “Healthier food is too expensive…I can only afford cheap food!” Reality seems to support this conundrum. I have personally felt the sticker shock on many occasions. You know how it goes, you are standing at the counter of your local grocery… [Continue Reading]

Understanding Primal Blueprint through crowdsourcing

After two years, we at the Ancestral Weight Loss Registry (AWLR) are proud of what we’ve become. Over 3,100 people from all 50 states and over 55 countries have registered and shared the tribulations and triumphs populating their noble journey towards health, fueled by fatty meats with a side of buttered broccoli. A physician’s recommended eating strategy… [Continue Reading]

Is it Really “Scientifically Impossible” to Keep Your Weight Off?

I’ve had many requests to comment on the recent study and reports that permanent weight loss is impossible. The stories remind me of a piece from the New York Times a few years ago that also said we’re all doomed to regain our lost weights and I’ll repost my blog on that below, but briefly,… [Continue Reading]

UK’s Largest Supermarket Bans Checkout Line Candy!

In a move that will hopefully be mirrored by supermarkets the world over the UK’s Tesco chain is eliminating checkout lane candy from all of its stores. Here in Canada Loblaws has played around some with candy-free checkouts, and just a month ago Indigo, Canada’s largest bookseller, under the leadership of Heather Reisman (who is also… [Continue Reading]

You wouldn’t know a FAT person if you saw them

We believe what we see. In fact, we can make judgements so fast that we might not even be aware that we have made them. In his book, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcom Gladwell illustrated repeatedly that we are incredibly fast at making decisions about what we see. He cited the example of… [Continue Reading]