Video Update #25 – Interview w/ Chef Ann Cooper

We had a great chat with Chef Ann Cooper about our food culture and its impact on our children’s health. For more information about Chef Anne Cooper go to

On Location: Hittin’ the Streets

Let’s face it this winter has not been easy…maybe the worst in a couple of decades. So it did not hurt our feelings at all when we had to go to Miami to film some ‘man on the street’ interviews. We met some incredible people from all over the world including Argentina, Australia, Belize, Denmark,… [Continue Reading]

On Location: Farmville

Had yet another shoot we wanted to post about. It’s a bit out of context but will make more sense when you see the film in its entirety. We filmed Dr. Thomas Willis making an interesting discovery, and a farmers take on todays pre-packaged meals. Here’s a link to the photos on our Facebook page.… [Continue Reading]