Badvertising: Smucker’s Sure Has a Strange View of Mother Nature

The ad copy couldn’t be clearer in its inference, “Our Recipe Was Perfected in Mother Nature’s Kitchen” It’s also made with “natural ingredients” and “no artificial flavors”. Heck, using it must be like simply spreading berries on toast. Looking at the ingredients and nutrition facts panel has me mad at either Mother Nature or Smucker’s… [Continue Reading]

Lance Armstrong, Guy Fieri and the Carb-Loading Myth

It’s a classic image. An athlete bingeing on massive amounts of carbs before a race. The logic being that when you digest carbohydrates, they turn into sugar that goes to your cells to give you energy. The excess sugar is stored in your liver and your muscles as glycogen. It is believed that by loading… [Continue Reading]

Slow Down, You Eat Too Fast

Not only is fast food no good, eating food fast may be a bad idea. The International Congress of Endocrinology reports research to suggest that fast eaters are more than twice as likely to develop Type 2 diabetes! Perhaps scarfing down your food demands too much insulin all at once or it could be that… [Continue Reading]