Hunger – The Role of Insulin

The classic approach to weight loss is to eat less, so researchers put obese patients on a calorie-restricted diet. If they loose weight, it means that obesity is caused by overeating. The problem is that results are not really compelling. The subjects usually loose weight, but the diet results in negative physiological effects as well,… [Continue Reading]

Portion Distortion

According to The American Diabetes Association’s latest statistics, 25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3% of the population—have diabetes. These numbers are based on 18.8 million who have been diagnosed and estimates of over 7 million that are undiagnosed. In 2010, 1.9 million cases of diabetes were diagnosed in people age 20 and… [Continue Reading]

Having unhealthy food cravings?

Here is what your body really wants  Even while kicking the standard American diet (SAD), even after leaving SAD behind, those nasty little junk or processed food cravings can re-emerge. They’re like the munchies after coming down from pot or booze. But cravings don’t need any drug or alcohol stimulus to overcome us. Cravings have… [Continue Reading]